Yesterday was an event I’ve been looking forward to for weeks! The Kew Fete. I’m a big fan of fairs and fetes, most of them are focused on the local community so it’s quite interesting to see which small businesses are around in your area that you may not have realised existed!
Unfortunately it rained in the morning while I was there, but this is England and it’s summer so I pretty much expected it.
Along with stalls hosted by both businesses and charities there were also some traditional fairground rides!
Tibidabo Carousel by bomobob
I love carousels, but I’m 25 years old and I think it would have looked very odd if I had gone on it all on my own. And sadly my family were in Cornwall this week so I couldn’t persuade them to visit me and go to the fair as well (I could have dragged my sisters on easily).
Since I couldn’t splurge my money on rides I decided to fill up my stomach instead!
Crepe Divine by LipSmackinCreations
One thing I’ve been craving recently is crepes, French pancakes. Not quite like the one above (which also looks delicious) but simply filled with sugar. You can imagine my delight when I found a stall making them fresh!
I also had a delicious homemade burger from the stand run by “The Naked Turtle” (and ended up walking down to Richmond feeling like I might explode if I ate much else).
Candy Floss Lip Balm by morganstreet
And then finally I bought a bag of candy floss, which I am currently eating (well, letting it melt on my tongue) as I write this.
Overall I had a lovely day. Obviously the appearance of sunshine in the morning would have been good but frankly I was walking around on my own so even that wouldn’t have kept me out much longer. Everyone there was very friendly, while I was waiting for my crepe to be made (by the company Opera Ice Cream) I had a nice chat with the owner’s wife, who’s an opera singer, and a gentleman passing by told me he’d had a crepe last year and it had been “brilliant”. And he was right, it was seriously delicious, if you ever see this stall at a fete, fair or market around London I really can’t recommend them highly enough!
I’m now desperately Googling to find more similar events in London XD
Have a nice day!
Thanks for sharing your DELIGHTFUL day with us!
LeAnn aka pasqueflower
I like that they didn't skimp on the cream in those crepes! Yum.
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