Despite my bad dentist luck this week my bank account is starting to feel a little bit healthier as The Bibliophile has had a few sales! Not sure how that's happened as I've been focusing on Creative Classics recently. If any of my purchasers are reading this, thank you for your support as you've helped cheer me up massively :)
My most recent sale is a book about the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, Plato! He was the student of Socrates, and the teacher of Aristotle.
Be Kind Typography Poster by TypePlace
A decent number of Plato's works have survived over the years, including his Socratic Dialogues (literary works involving discussions on a variety of topics, the main character in these is often Socrates) which includes "The Republic", a discussion on justice and the way to create a "just" city-state (Greece was not a united country but rather a collection of cities and their surrounding area, it's like treating London and Manchester as two different countries).
Love Print Poster by SacredandProfane
If you're interested in philosophy then Plato is generally a good place to start, along with Socrates and Aristotle he is considered one of the found fathers of Western philosophy. Hopefully the person that bought the book about him from me will enjoy it.
Have a nice day everyone!
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