
High 5 for MND

22 March, 2014

Those who have been following my blog for a while may remember my previous posts about the MND Association and the bits of fundraising I do for them on occasion. There's currently a viral trend of "no make-up" photos for Cancer Research. I don't wear make-up anyway, but at the same as it was going on the MNDA were running their own campaign, High Five for MND.

Text "MND Five" to 70004 and you'll donate £5 to the fight against Motor Neurone Disease, which is a horrible disease and when we say "high five" what we mean is "smack it in the face repeatedly until it's defeated".

To spread the word people were taking photos of their hands with the information and a slogan on and then Tweeting or Facebooking them. I did both, and I thought I should blog about it too.

Have a nice day everyone!

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